Even in today’s tech-savvy world, organizations across the globe still rely on paper documents for their business processes. That means the humble printer remains front and center for many tasks. For companies that produce vast quantities of documents or even those that need lots of pages printed quickly, the high-volume printer is a viable solution.
Benefits of Acquiring a High-Volume Printer
It’s not uncommon for businesses to outsource their high-volume print jobs. In most cases, these businesses lack the necessary equipment needed to perform large print tasks or simply deem it more economical to outsource. Nevertheless, outsourcing high-volume print jobs comes with a few distinct drawbacks:
- Many third-party print shops serve multiple clients, meaning they could be potentially less invested in your business processes and overall success.
- Relying on outsourced printing means being subject to a third-party provider’s schedule and availability, which could cause conflicts with project deadlines and other time-based milestones.
- Production could take days or weeks to complete, depending on various factors.
- Some third-party providers charge significant markups for multiple production processes, not to mention any last-minute changes.
On the other hand, acquiring a high-volume printer comes with a variety of potential benefits:
- More versatility and convenience – Instead of being one client of many who has to wait their turn for finished print jobs, you’re always first in line when you have your own equipment. This means you can complete print jobs at your convenience without waiting. Many in-house printing solutions also offer notifications for picking up completed jobs, among other compelling features.
- More control over printing processes – You’re in the driver’s seat with an in-house high-volume printing solution. You can control the print process via the device´s various features.
- Better security – Security is paramount in an age where cyberattacks can easily cripple entire organizations. Having your own high-volume printer fleet gives you greater control over the data you’re printing and how it’s ultimately handled. Compare that to trusting your data to an outsourced printer, where there’s little to no control over how your information is stored or used.
- Improved cost control – Outsourcing is often done to reduce costs, but certain factors can make outsourced print jobs more expensive in the long run. Relying on an in-house high-volume printer gives you more control over costs, plus the cost of the equipment can be depreciated via tax deductions.
Outsourcing large print jobs is a sensible option for many businesses, but it’s not one that every organization can pursue. A high-volume printer gives businesses an in-house alternative that comes with a variety of benefits.
If a high-volume printer is what your San Francisco business needs to succeed, contact Golden Gate Office Solutions today for a consultation with one of our specialists.