Copiers are essential pieces of equipment in many modern offices. And when it comes to acquiring a new copier, businesses have two options: a copier lease or a copier purchase. This guide will take a look at the advantages of both options to help you make the right call.
Copier Lease: Overview
With a copier lease, you don’t buy and own the copier. Instead, you borrow or rent it from a provider for a fixed term, which is outlined in a rental or lease agreement. You’ll pay a monthly or annual fee to rent the copier, potentially with the option to buy it once the lease term ends.
In Favor of a Copier Lease
A copier lease has many advantages. Firstly, the monthly payments involved in leasing copiers tend to be much smaller and more affordable than the full cost of a brand-new copier. Better still, many providers offer an array of lease types to suit every business budget.
A lease can also give you access to the kind of high-end commercial copiers that you wouldn’t be able to afford if you were buying. If you’re trying to buy with a fixed budget, you may only have a certain number of copiers you can afford. But when you lease, there are usually more options to choose from.
Another big benefit of opting for a copier lease is that many lease agreements include maintenance. That means that the lease provider will cover the costs of repairing the copier if it breaks down or needs any new parts. This can save companies a lot of cash and hassle.
Copier Purchase: Overview
A copier purchase simply involves buying a copier for its full price and owning it entirely. There are no contracts to negotiate here – you just pick a copier, pay the price, use it however you wish, and eventually resell it, if you choose.
In Favor of a Copier Purchase
Arguably the biggest benefit of buying your copier, rather than leasing it, is that you’ll usually spend less on the device overall.
The initial costs will certainly be higher, as new commercial printers can cost thousands of dollars. However, in the long run, it’s cheaper to pay that big sum in one go rather than paying monthly rental instalments for three years or more.
With that said, you still have to take the possible cost of repairs into account, which could add up over the years. But you also get the possibility of reselling your copier down the line to make some money back.
The Right Choice for Your Business
More often than not, a copier lease is the better option for the average company. It’s more cost-effective in most cases, and much more accessible for smaller businesses and startups. If you’re looking for a great value lease agreement in San Francisco, Golden Gate Office Solutions can help. Contact us today to start your company’s search for the perfect copier at the right price.