Most responsible business owners are interested in moving toward environmentally-friendly business practices, as a company’s sustainability has become a factor for customers when deciding who they do business with. A great place to start is in your print environment, where there are plenty of things you can start doing today to make your office more eco-friendly. Here are a few of our favorite ways to “green” your print environment.
Energy and Space-Saving Equipment — Your print-related equipment can have a substantial environmental impact, especially when it comes to power usage and raw materials. When selecting office equipment, look for multifunction devices—you’ll save energy by powering fewer devices, save space storing them, and reduce the amount of raw materials needed to perform the same functions. Whichever machine you use, look for ones with ENERGY STAR certification and eco-friendly tools like sleep mode and toner-saving draft printing.
Document Storage Systems — The storage of documents and records is a must for any business, from taxes and financial files to receipts and reports. Reduce your paper consumption and minimize storage requirements by moving to digital document management. Documents that start as paper can be scanned into digital format, while computer-based records need never be printed. You’ll save both space and time when you let your document management system do all the searching and retrieval for you rather than doing so manually.
Automated Maintenance Programs — Another way to keep your print environment clean and green is to keep your machines well-maintained. From preventive maintenance to software patches, an automated maintenance program will keep your equipment running at top speed and efficiency. Rely on your service provider to help you avoid wasted toner, power, and paper.
Recycling — This one is a classic ‘green’ method that is still an important one. When you purchase supplies, make sure you’re using recycled products. Of course, recycled paper is a must-have, but you can also purchase toner cartridges that have been recycled or refilled. You should also talk to your print partner about recycling programs and incentives that can pay you back for your own good behavior.
On the surface, it might seem difficult to make your print environment an eco-friendly one. Fortunately, today’s technology provides a number of great tools that make “green” printing easy and effective. For help turning your printing “green,” contact Golden Gate Office Solutions today.