Many businesses find themselves exceeding their office supply budgets on a regular basis. In most cases, the supply budget is a tight one. For this reason, there are several methods that office managers should utilize to maximize the outputs of their supply budget. In this blog post we’ll cover some of them.
Track your inventory
If you don’t have a tracking system in place for your supply inventory, it’s time to consider putting one into place. Be as meticulous as possible when it comes to your tracking methods. In doing so, you will always have the most accurate picture of what’s needed when it comes time to place a supply order.
Always shop around
Don’t get stuck using one single supplier for all of your supply needs. Look around online and order from multiple suppliers if necessary to take advantage of the best deals available. Don’t forget about local stores as well; many of them will provide discounts to area companies that order regularly.
Buy in bulk
For those supplies such as paper that are used often, buying in bulk will give you the best discount available. Check with the bulk retailers in your area—such as Costco or BJ’s—to see which store offers the best prices for the supplies you need.
Skip out on brand names and new furniture
There may be certain brands that offer superior products that you can’t do without, but when it comes to your typical office supplies, generic brands are usually about the same in quality. Similarly, there’s no need to break the bank by purchasing new office furniture. You can buy used and refurbished furniture that works and looks just as great as new furniture, at a significantly lower cost.
Designate a purchasing manager
When multiple departments have the leeway to order supplies as needed, costs usually skyrocket out of control. Designating a single purchasing manager to review, confirm, and process all supply orders will ensure a streamlined process. This will keep your orders in line with your assigned budget while preventing a stockpile of unnecessary supplies that take up valuable storage space.
Utilizing these tips will help you stretch your office supply budget to the max. For more assistance with the management of your supply budget, contact Golden Gate Office Solutions today.