Should you use color when you print? And do you have a printer that gives you the option to do so? More than just eye candy, color prints can make a major impact on their audience—more of an impact than you might expect. Consider the many benefits color printing can bring to your business.
Visibility – Color adds memorability, interest, emotion, and just plain pizazz to your documents and presentations. Sure, if you are just printing off memos or emails for your own records, color probably is not necessary. However, if you are printing materials that customers or clients will see, you want it to be as visible as possible. It is harder to sell your product or service if your materials look boring and flat while your competitors’ look colorful and vibrant.
Aesthetics – Of course, high visibility is not your only objective. If it were, everything would be fire engine red and mustard yellow. Visibility has to be balanced with aesthetics. With color printing, you have the ability to print memorable materials that are far more beautiful and aesthetically pleasing than black and white printouts could ever be.
Understandability – Color can make your message easier to understand and retain. According to a study by marketing group Harris Interactive, 69 percent of those surveyed state they better understand content that is presented in color. According to that same study, those surveyed were 54 percent more likely to pick up and read materials that are in color than those in black and white. Similarly, a survey by Xerox showed that use of color improved learning outcomes for students in grades 3 through 12.
Faster Payments – That same Harris Interactive poll showed that customers were 43 percent more likely to pay their bill on time when the amount due and due date were presented in color rather than black and white. That’s an incredible insight: people pay their bills faster when they see key information in color.
Visibility, aesthetics, understandability, and getting paid sooner are just a handful of the benefits that color printing can bring to your business. We have not even talked about the emotional impact of color or about how much the quality of color printing has improved in the past two decades. If you would like to learn more about adding color printing to your company’s printing practices, contact Golden Gate Office Solutions today!