The quality of your printed documents and advertising materials can make or break your company’s brand image. Yet, many San Francisco business owners think they’re cutting back by using black and white printing instead of color printing.
Consider what your customers and clientele think about a company that won’t put in the extra time, effort, and costs to print documents in color. It could reflect poorly on your business and make customers think you don’t value them.
Monochromatic printers may be fine for most text documents. But color printing is a business standard when it comes to anything with graphic images, creative text messaging, or logos.
Benefits of Color Printing
Offers A Higher Standard of Professionalism
Crisp and vibrant color printed documents, newsletters, direct mail, advertising, and signage are not only eye-catching but also a mark of quality. Think about the last time you saw a black and white document with graphic images that should have been in color. Without realizing it, our minds automatically diminishes what we think about the company that sent out those monochromatic documents.
The Message Makes a Positive Impression
The opposite happens when customers see a quality, color print. Our mind remembers the message longer because of how our brains connect colors to the text. Even documents like invoices and contracts printed in color will be read faster and remembered longer than black and white documents.
Color Printing Is Easier to Read
Most of us spend a lot of time reading information on computers, tablets, and smartphones. So, to compete with digital messaging, color printing is the best way to grab attention and engage an audience. Not only are color printed documents and advertisements easier to read, but you can also use color psychology to trick the brain into focusing on the most important information you are trying to deliver.
Cheaper Than Commercial Color Printing
When documents need to be printed in color by a commercial printing service provider, they often charge 500% to 2,000% more than monochrome printing. Investing in a color printer for your San Francisco business is a smart business solution that benefits your bottom line and customer satisfaction ratings.
Instead of paying up to one dollar per page for color printing at a copy center, consider a color printer that will take your advertisements and documents to the next level. The return on your investment is seen in the value you offer your clients. And, when your clients value and trust your services, they want to continue working with you.
If you are making the switch to color printing for your San Francisco Bay Area business, contact Golden Gate Office Solutions. We have a wide range of color printers to fit every budget and need.